Give to Them so They Can Give Back
Schools like to talk about how many of their graduates matriculate to colleges or universities. Why not? Well, what about everyone else?
What about the refugee who spent most of her childhood preparing food for her family instead of attending the school in the relief camp?
What about the boy in foster care who has just been placed with his first stable family and first stable school at age nine?
What about the student who gets herself to school while her family could care less?
What about the child who has everything but squanders it on personal amusement?
The sad reality is that students like these never get the chance to learn that they are made in God’s image, and they grow up believing they are failures and “takers”, dependent on someone else’s charity.
Each of our students has a unique potential derived from their gifting and circumstances. Best practices and recent research demonstrate that all of these students reach their potential when they learn alongside one another, learning to serve others.
We are a 501C3 DBA New City Fellowship/Presbyterian Church in America.
Our taxpayer Identification number is 43-1613716