All of our families pay tuition according to income. The average family pays about $100 a month. Therefore, our need-based, sliding scale tuition only accounts for about 15% of our operating budget. Because families cannot afford the full cost of education, we rely on generous donations to fund a student’s education. Giving options are simple:

Donate Online

You can easily make a recurring or one-time online donation by clicking here.


Pledges are critical for the school to continue offering a rigorous and just education for years to come. This year’s planning budget is $1.1M. That’s a per student cost of approximately $10,000. This puts our cost per student lower than that of most private and public schools. Cost per student in districts our children come from:

St. Louis Public  $11,632

University City  $13,559

Normandy  $11,648

Ritenour  $12,521

Ferguson / Florissant  $13,221

Hazelwood $11,290

Larger pledges over 3-5 years allow the school to accomplish strategic planning goals. There is no maximum gift pledge. 

Student Sponsorships

Sponsoring a student for one year currently costs $10,000. It is hard to think of a more meaningful way to love your neighbor than to ensure their children receive a quality Christian education! 

Legacy Giving

Please contact us if you would like to make a legacy contribution in your will.

If you are interested in making a pledge, sponsoring a student, or legacy giving, please contact our Head of School here. We welcome the opportunity to visit with you on our campus or a local coffee shop. The Lord has blessed us with many brothers and sisters who make this work possible. At the Freedom School, our donors become part of our family.

Or you can just mail us a check, as the Lord leads:

The Freedom School

1483 82nd Blvd

St. Louis, MO 63132

We are a 501C3 DBA New City Fellowship/Presbyterian Church in America.
Our taxpayer Identification number is 43-1613716